I’m proud to serve as your representative on the DNC. My #1 goal is to elect more and better Democrats at all levels of government. To do that effectively, we also need to accomplish progressive reforms to the DNC.
I got involved in the fight to make the Democratic Party more progressive as a volunteer in Howard Dean’s presidential campaign in 2004. In the 18 years since, I haven’t stopped organizing to beat Republicans, support progressive causes, and hold the Democratic Party accountable to its values.
Between 2016 and 2020 I served as the Region 10 Director for the California Democratic Party, covering parts North Los Angeles County and extending through Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties. I also served between 2018 and 2020 as Co-Chair of the CDP Credentials Committee and as a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on ADEMS. I am currently serving locally as the South Vice Chair of the Santa Barbara Democratic Central Committee. In addition, I'm a nationally recognized writer for a number of major publications covering both state and federal politics from Rolling Stone to the American Prospect, with most of my recent work published at the Washington Monthly.
The next DNC election will take place at the 2024 Spring Executive Board Meeting of the California Democratic Party. I'm proud to work on your behalf on the DNC, and would love to hear from you with your thoughts and perspectives on what we should do as Democrats going forward.
Recent accomplishments
Recently as a party activist I have:
- Co-authored a successful resolution that the California Democratic Party passed in support key economic components of the Green New Deal
- Helped draft and advocate for superdelegate reform
- Served on the Ad Hoc Committee on ADEMs, proposing ideas for increased resources and transparency in ADEM caucuses
- Authored progressive changes to the California Democratic Party platform, and at the county level presided as Platform Committee chair over redrafting the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party's platform
- Drafted and submitted expansive reforms to the ADEM process and regional meetings
- Drafted and implemented bylaws reforms to the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party
- Advocated for progressive stances on a variety of issues before the CDP Legislation committee
I look forward to advancing a more expansive reform agenda at the national level with the DNC.
Party positions (current and former):
- South Vice Chair, Platform Committee Chair and Bylaws Committee Member, Santa Barbara Democratic Central Committee
- Region 10 Director, serving Assembly Districts 35, 37, 38 and 44 (2016-2020)
- Member, Ad Hoc Committee on ADEMs (2019)
- Co-Chair, CDP Credentials Committee (2018-2020)
- President, Santa Barbara Democratic Club (2015-2018)
- Chair and First Vice-Chair of the Ventura County Democratic Party (2010-2014).
- Field Operations Committee Chair, Ventura County Democratic Party (2009-2014) During my terms we ran an unprecedented field and mail campaign, flipping most of the statewide and local seats from red to blue, and made numerous progressive internal reforms to bylaws, platforms, endorsements and much else.)
- Campaign manager/field director on various local supervisor, sales tax ballot measure, state assembly and anti-fracking campaigns (2009 - 2015)
- President and Founder, Ventura County Young Democrats (2008-2010)
Showing 2 reactions
The GOP may do some much-needed house cleaning too. But seeing ol’ mush mouth McConnell getting side-lined is hard, tho’ it too would be most welcome.
The reason Trump won the election to everyone’s surprise, including yours and his, is the Dem Party moved too left.
Trump is an Archie Bunker type, whom the Dem Party would never nominate as its presidential candidate. He is so unlike its intellectual elite. So Trump dropped his Dem links to become a first-time Republican.
His original aim was to burnish the Trump brand while demolishing a crowd of stuffed GOP ‘suits’. He could never work that with the Dems. Getting the nomination was the win he originally hoped to get. The campaign for nomination was reality TV. And he outdid himself thanks to massive, free TV time up until the nomination. He played the networks.
The way to help Dems is not to double down on an approach that lost them the last election. Did recent election results in Congress tell you nothing? A lot of Republicans and independents voted to get rid of Trump. It wasn’t all Dems.
Move the Dem party to the center and the GOP can never win. Then, what are the Dem Party’s lefties to do—Vote GOP? No they will jump into the pool with moderate Dems